
Syagrus botryophora

Copernicia macroglossa

Attalea dubia

Encephalartos gratus

Chamaedorea adscendens
Male Inflorescence
Our Digital Newsletters are quite large in file size, please exercise patience when attempting to open.
- January 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Hydriastele dransfieldii by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Mowry Family Donates Special Plants to Mounts Botanical Garden by Charlie Beck
- February 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Caryota no by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Itch, scratch. Itch, Scratch by Mary Jarett Whisler
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Annual Spring Sale Details
- March 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Phoenix dactylifera by Charlie Beck
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Spring Sale Details
- ARTICLE: Fast Growing Palms
- PHOTOS: Acrocomia aculeata,
Borassus aethiopum,
Bismarckia nobilis,
Carpentaria acuminata,
Veitchia sp.,
Cocos nucifera var. ‘Maypan”,
Arenga pinnata,
Kentiopis oliviformis,
Roystonea oleracea.
- April 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Lanonia dasyantha by Charlie Beck
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Lanonia dasyantha by Dale Holton
- ARTICLE: Hose End Timers by Charlie Beck
A very special thank you
to Bob Grimm for his generous donation of books to the
Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society Library
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society Ramble
- PHOTOS: Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society Sale
- May 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Identifying Coccothrinax
Article and photos by Larry R. Noblick, Palm Biologist, Montgomery Botanical Center
(Reprinted with the permission of Larry R. Noblick)
- UPDATE: Comparison of Copernicia baileyana and Copernicia fallaensis Rachis Length
- June 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Guihaia argyrata by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Palm and Cycad Enthusiasts around the World Reach Out by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Chelated Iron Update by Charlie Beck
- July 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Elaeis oleifera by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: More Greenery (Palms and Cycads!) Helps You Live Longer by John Kennedy
- ARTICLE: Surprise in the Palm Garden by Charlie Beck
- August 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Thrinax radiata by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Valentini Garden Tour by Charlie Beck
- PHOTOS: Neoveitchia storckii, Pritchardia pacifica, Archontophoenix alexandrae, Areca catechu, Attalea cohune, Coccothrinax hybrid, Coccothrinax miraguama, Copernicia macroglossa, Encephalartos manikensis var. whitlockii, Hyophorbe lagenicaulis , Latania verschaffeltii, Latania loddigesii, Roscheria melanochaetes, Sabal mauritiiformis, Verschaffeltia splendida, Wallichia disticha.
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Palm Society Annual Member Picnic and Best Auction of the Year
- September 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Trachycarpus fortunei by Charlie Beck
- PHOTOS: Ptychosperma cuneatum fruit and Pritchardia vuylstekeanain fruit
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Sincere Condolences
- ARTILCE: Proven Cold Hardy Palms by Charlie Beck
- PHOTOS: Phoenix rupicola, Burretiokentia hapala, Laccospadix australasica, Livistona saribus, Phoenix paludosa, Wallichia disticha, Oraniopsis appendiculata, Allagoptera arenaria.
- ANNOUNCEMENT: SAVE THE DATES, Palm Society Annual Fall Palm & Cycad Sale and
Palm Society Annual Member Picnic and Best Auction of the Year
- October 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Chamaedorea brachypoda and Chamaedorea stolonifera by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Seeding Attalea crassispatha by Charlie Beck
- ARTICLE: Boron Deficiency in Phoenix sylvestris by Charlie Beck
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Sciety, Annual Fall Sale
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society, Annual Picnic & Best Auction of the Year.
- November 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Sabal etonia by Charlie Beck
- PHOTOS: Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society, 2016 Annual Picnic & Best Auction of the Year.
- ARTICLE: Coconut Harvest by Charlie Beck
- December 2016
- FEATURED THIS MONTH: Holiday Party Giveaway Palms
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Palm Society 2017 Officers Elected